
Texas VPN for iPad that Works on Both WiFi and 3G Apple Devices

ipad texas
There's a VPN for iPad called HidePad that works quite well in Texas. It is also compatible with all versions of the Apple device, including WiFi, 3G and iOS upgrades.

Since a major part of my work involves traveling across the state for business purposes, I've had the chance to extensively test this VPN on the road and between several counties, towns and cities.

What I can confirm from this is that any place in Texas you have internet access, you will be able to use HidePad as your VPN provider. This also applies to mobile and wireless internet that you get from your cell phone (data) carrier or a public WiFi hotspot.

Among the places I've been to in the past 10-12 days (i.e., Dallas, Houston & San Antonio) it has worked fine by the most significant standards.

Recommended website:
Reliable VPN service for your iPad